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  • IOAF2019

    Theme: Life - Ocean - Mother

    July 26 – 29, 2019

    Jeju, South Korea

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    IOAF2019 part of the special artist

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  • IOAF Artist Interview

    Welcome more artists to IOAF

    IOAF Artist - CBA (Japan)

    International Ocean Arts Festival

    IOAF Artist - Edgü Karaadam Özdemir (Turkey)

    International Ocean Arts Festival

    IOAF Designer - Alexandru Bunii (Romania)

    International Ocean Arts Festival

    IOAF Artist - Ria Qorina Lubis (Indonesia)

    International Ocean Arts Festival

  • IOAF2019 Coming

    July 26 – 29, 2019

    Jeju, South Korea

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    Theme: Life / Ocean / Mother

    IOAF 2019 – International Ocean Art Festival – it is now coming to the second edition. IOAF is an international cultural and arts’ event organized by the AsianACS – Asian Federation of Art, Science and Culture.


    IOAF is the art and culture event having Asia as its radiating center towards artists, designers, teachers and students from all over the world. The curators of IOAF 2019, Mr. Hu Jijun from China, Mr. Boo Jong-Chul from South Korea and Mr. Julian Moise from Austria have joined their efforts to organize this international exhibition.


    In the 2019 edition of the IOAF in its 3 sections: Modern Art, Design and Kids Art, there are exhibited 169 pieces of artwork and design and 155 pieces of artworks by children and teenagers from all over the world. Our goal was to explore the themes of the IOAF2019, which are:“Life, Ocean and Mother”.


    As an ocean cultural and art brand project with international influence and fame, IOAF aim is to arouse humans’ awareness against ocean protection, to promote international communication, to facilitate international exchanges between different cultures and artistic expression and to help international exchanges related to ocean-based industries. Now, at the start of the second edition of IOAF, we promise to continue and to develop the festival further in the years to come.


    Thank you all who have contributed, thank you for your trust and support in organizing the International Ocean Art Festival, edition 2019.


    Looking forward to see you at IOAF 2020!



    Organizer: IOAF Operations Committee

    AsianACS(Asian Federation of Arts Culture and Sciences)


    IAOA (International Association of Ocean Arts)


    Support Units:

    Support Units: Dreamatic Design / kidp제주디자인기업협회 / Yuejing Culture Development Company Limited / 다담출판 / 브랜드앤디자인 / Austrian Embassy Seoul / DSU-Asia Design Center for Future / BK21+ Level-up project for Marine design / 문화공간 양 (주) 제이트립 메종 글래드 제주 / QT Consulting / BOART Art Printing / M&G Chenguang Stationery co.,Ltd. / Shanghai Oriental Tourism International / Aviation & Pleasure-Boat


    International co-curator:

    Hu Jijun(China)/ Boo Jong Chul (South Korea) / Julian Moise(Austria)


    ● Exhibition Display Time:July 27-July 29, 2019

    ● Exhibition Opening : July 27, 2019 (PM:15:00)

    ● Location: 돌문화공원-오백장 장군 갤러리 (한국 제주시 조천읍 남조로 2023 교래자연휴양림)

    ● Traffic guide:

    공항30분:공항 → 마리나호텔사거리(좌회전 12번도로) → 연삼로(직진) → 거로사거리 E1주유소(우회전 번영로 97번도로) → 봉개 → 대흘 검문소 교차로(1118번도로 우회전후 3Km) → 제주돌문화공원

    서귀포35분:516도로(1131번) → 성판악휴게소 → 비자림로(1112번) → 교래사거리(1118번도로 좌회전 후1km) → 제주돌문화공원
    중문45분:서귀포 → 516도로(1131번) → 성판악휴게소 → 비자림로(1112번) → 교래사거리(1118번도로 좌회전 후1km) → 제주돌문화공원

    성산포30분:성읍민속촌(1119번) → 제주방면(97번) → 대천동사거리(1112번) → 산굼부리 → 교래사거리(1118번도로 좌회전 후1km) → 제주돌문화공원

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    The works and information that ASC collected will be used for the art festivals only and will not be disclosed to any third parties or used for other commercial purposes.

    People who are interested in purchasing any of the work, the committee will contact the author to confirm.


    You have carefully read the above special instructions; agree to respect the culture of various countries; agree to the display of works; agree that information and works can be used as an activity propaganda display and publication; agree to personal information collection; commitment to academic correctness and commitment to originality.